This year, my husband Luke, is taking part in Movember. The aim of Movember is to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.

Luke isn't very tech savvy so I have set up a Mo Space page where you can follow his progress for the month. I'll keep it updated with photos too. He is aiming to grow one like Bendeguz on Beauty & The Geek - although I think he's going to need a year, not a month, to grow one like this! lol

If you would like to donate and support Luke on his quest, follow this link and you can donate online.
And here he is at the start of the month.

He is never clean shaven as he has really sensitive skin. This is as short as it gets. I have to admit, as a wife, I am not looking forward to this at all! lol I hate hairy faces - enough said!
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